
This document is only collection of author’s notes, experiences and point of views. It is not, in any meaning, either complete description of the topic nor official RTB documentation. It may be inaccurate, incomplete, obsolete, misleading or completely wrong. It may even cause loss of data or damage system integrity. It may not comply with company codex, values, presentation style or economic interests or may reveal company secrets.

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Version 2


  • Provide information about bushiness entity back to PDM (it can be printed on the parking ticket).


  • Fix time format in XML request. Use 24 instead of 12 hours variant.


  • Fix NPE in log.

  • Continue startup in case of configuration error. The problem will be print to log.

  • Log XML communication for Croatian tax office. Enable by setting logger de.rtb.pdm.fina.internal.Sender to trace.


  • Landing page.

  • Added support for Prometheus metrics.


  • Fixed wrong registration with production tax office in Croatia.

  • Fixed error by starting SpringBootAdmin client.


Support of slovenian tax office

There are new tax-office-ref`s `si-test and si-real which can be used in configuration to support Slovenian tax office.

There is also a web page which allows to create business premise. Go to <url>/reg-bp-si.html to create one.

In order to access the page a right ADMIN is necessary. Open configuration file instance.yml and add / change user like this:

      name: admin
      password: '<some_strong_password>'
        - ADMIN

Column CSV file renamed

Column in CSV configuration file renamed from Croatia specific name isu to edid (Electronic Device IDentification). Please update configuration by command find -name "*.csv" -exec sed -i "s/;isu/;edid/g" {} + from directory where are CSV files located.

Support for web proxies

Slovenian tax office requires that registrations are made from well know IP address registered in some firewall. (Please ask or help-desk how to register an IP address).

To allow to correct work in cases that source IP address is un-deterministic a proxy is supported. Add following configuration to enable proxy.

    port: 1234
    type: SOCKS (1)
    user: my_name
    password: my_password
1 Value of type can be one of following:
  • HTTP - Represents proxy for high level protocols such as HTTP or FTP.

  • SOCKS -Represents a SOCKS (V4 or V5) proxy

If authentication is not required fields user and password can be omitted.

    port: 1234
    type: SOCKS

For direct connection can be the whole section sale-register.proxy omitted.

Please note that the proxy can be set only globally for all tax registers. It is not possible to let run e.g. Slovenia via proxy and Croatia directly.

Time zone

In order to correctly submit time to sale register a time zone has to be set for each Area in configuration for every project. For example :

      timeZone: Europe/Zagreb


  • Tracing Web Service communication can be enabled by setting logger org.springframework.ws.client.MessageTracing to trace level.


  • Sale register for HR now accepts both EUR and HRK currencies.

Optional Title

Customer refused to implement automatic conversion between currencies. Currency code is simply ignored and only amount is sent to tax office. Be sure that PDM is configured correctly.

  • Updated FINA certificates

  • Updated java libraries

  • Write soap message to log in case of error.


  • New error codes related to SOAP for PDM for better diagnostic.


  • Fixed time format for tax office. Twelve hour format was accidentally used.


This version was successfully tested with real tax server.


Release notes are not available.

Version 1


Release notes are not available.