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Multiple PDM.control instances on one server

Since this version there can be multiple PDM.controls installed on one server in order to reduce number of VM running PDM.control.

If you install multiple PDM.controls on one tomcat do not forget to adjust tomcat’s memory accordingly. You should count approximately 150 - 200 MB per instance depending on configuration. If you experiences OutOfMemory exception try to add more memory or contact our help desk.


The phrases written in italic has following meaning:


The directory where tomcat is installed (single instance) or the working directory (multi instance).


The name under which the instance of application is registered. Root context’s (/) name is ROOT (case sensitive). Usually corresponds with WAR file name (without extension) if you use default configuration..

Files location

The new PDM.control directory is located inside of tomcat at Tomcat_home/pcontrol. The reason is to be able to run multiple tomcat servers without interfering each other. The directory /opt/… is not used anymore and the files are ignored. Please move the files which are there base on the instructions below.

Configuration files

First the PDM.control detects in which context it runs. Then it uses configuration values from following locations in this order:

  1. Default values (embedded in the application)

  2. Tomcat_home/pcontrol/conf.default.properties

  3. Tomcat_home/pcontrol/contextPath.properties Properties defined later overwrites the definition earlier. Therefore it is recommended to define the general properties valid for all instances (like e-mail, sms gateway …) running on this server in the file 2. The properties specific for the instance (database, ports for PDMs …) has to be defined in the file 3.


Please move all fonts (/opt/*.ttf) to Tomcat_home/pcontrol/fonts.

Log files

The final place for the application log files has been changes accordingly. They are store in Tomcat_home/pcontrol/logs/contextPath/ instead of (Tomcat_home/logs/pcontrol). The pcontrol.log and pcontrol-debug.log has been renamed to events.log and events-debug.log.

If you need to move PDM.control directory somewhere else, just make a link from Tomcat_home/pcontrol to desired location.


If run multiple application on the same database there may be necessary to adjust its configuration. Please discuss the issue with you database administrator. For those who want to configure the database them self here is few tips: Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server.


  • Enforcement API shows also real time parking tickets.

  • Prevention of logging the same problem multiple times (especially for PDM5). The log entry is written to the log file only once even if the PDM sends a message over and over.

  • PDM5 compatibility.

  • Added messages 280, 282.

  • Manual clearing allowed be default for 139, 219, 256, 258, 270, 271.

  • Alert type of status messages balanced.